Dual City Advantage Fund

Wealth Protection | Income generation

Historical performance compared to public etf

To measure our success, we take the three largest ETFs and average their returns. Our goal is to be 1.5-2 times greater than that benchmark. If we succeed that benchmark by 3 consecutive quarters we will reevaluate our unit price, and that is how investors can take advantage of the equity ownership of the fund.

fund benefits

The Dual City Advantage Fund is a blind pool, private equity, evergreen fund.

  • Cash flow
  • Appreciation
  • Diversification
  • No lock-up period
  • 90/10 Investor split
  • 90/10

The DCAF Advantage

  • Acquire assets through all stages of the CRE market cycle. 

  • Utilizing our tax-deferred exchange to transact in more situations than the competition.
  • Leveraging our associate brokerage, financing, and insurance companies to efficiently transact.

The Macro Strategy

  • Compounding results by using the Evergreen strategy.

  • Diversity across geographic markets and asset classes.

  • Favorable investor splits (90%) with capital preservation at the forefront.

  • Long-term goal of converting to a public offering.   

dual City's core values

  • Fidelity
  • Integrity
  • Protection
  • Procedure
  • Performance
  • Trustworthy and consistent real estate investment options

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 Our integrity is second to none and our primary objective is to protect investor capital.


Our due diligence procedure is run through multiple funnels. We try to minimize downside on target assets as much as possible. 


We proudly boast an impeccable track record with a 100% positive disposition history.



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